Reducing Business Water Footprint

A playbook for businesses to measure and reduce their water footprint. It offers a step-by-step guide to understand water usage and implement strategies to promote corporate sustainability and responsibility.

Step 1: Assess Usage

Perform a comprehensive water usage assessment to determine the volume of water being used in all business operations.

Step 2: Set Goals

Establish clear, measurable goals for water footprint reduction within realistic timelines.

Step 3: Audit Processes

Conduct a water audit to identify areas of high water consumption and inefficiencies in your business process.

Step 4: Engage Stakeholders

Involve employees, investors, and other stakeholders in your plans to reduce water usage, ensuring a united approach.

Step 5: Implement Solutions

Adopt water-saving technologies and practices, such as efficient fixtures, water recycling systems, and drought-resistant landscaping.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

Regularly monitor water usage against set benchmarks to evaluate the success of implemented water-saving measures.

Step 7: Educate & Train

Train employees on water conservation practices and raise awareness about the importance of reducing the water footprint.

Step 8: Report & Review

Distribute regular reports on water usage and footprint reduction progress to stakeholders and review goals periodically to ensure ongoing improvement.

General Notes

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure that all measures taken to reduce water footprint comply with local, regional, and national water use regulations.

Community Impact

Consider the impact your water usage has on the local community and strive to reduce negative effects through community engagement and sustainable practices.