Community Water Conservation

This playbook outlines the steps for local governments and community organizations to successfully plan, implement, and manage water conservation programs at a community scale.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment of the community's current water usage patterns, supply sources, and existing conservation efforts to establish a baseline for measuring the success of the program.

Step 2: Planning

Develop a comprehensive water conservation plan that includes specific goals, strategies for achieving those goals, potential challenges, and the resources required. Obtain input from stakeholders and experts in the field.

Step 3: Regulation Review

Examine local regulations and policies to identify any that may hinder conservation efforts and work towards modifying them to support the conservation program.

Step 4: Funding

Secure funding for the initiative through government grants, partnerships with private organizations, or community fundraising efforts.

Step 5: Program Design

Design the program's activities in detail, including public education campaigns, incentives for water-saving practices, and the installation of water-efficient technologies.

Step 6: Implementation

Roll out the water conservation program, ensuring to inform and engage the community, provide resources and assistance, and establish a clear process for participation.

Step 7: Monitoring

Monitor the program's progress by regularly tracking water usage data, participant engagement, and the effectiveness of different strategies. Adjust the program as needed based on these findings.

Step 8: Reporting

Compile and report on the program's outcomes, including water saved, community involvement, and lessons learned. Disseminate this information to stakeholders and use it to inform future conservation efforts.

Step 9: Sustainability

Establish procedures for maintaining the program's momentum, including ongoing education, incentives, and community engagement strategies. Ensure long-term commitment from local government and stakeholders.

General Notes

Stakeholder Involvement

Throughout each stage of the process, continuously involve and communicate with all stakeholders to ensure the program is community-driven and has broad support.


Ensure the program is flexible and can be adapted as circumstances change, such as drought periods, population growth, or advancements in water-saving technologies.