Sustainable Transportation Promotion

This playbook outlines the steps an employer can take to promote sustainable transportation among employees. The intent is to provide a structured approach to encouraging eco-friendly commuting options through various incentives and support mechanisms.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct an initial assessment to understand current employee commuting patterns, preferences, and potential barriers to using sustainable transportation.

Step 2: Goal Setting

Establish clear, achievable goals for increasing the use of sustainable transportation methods within the organization.

Step 3: Plan Development

Develop a comprehensive plan that includes specific strategies, such as incentives, infrastructure improvements, partnerships, and educational campaigns, to promote sustainable commuting.

Step 4: Incentives

Implement incentive programs such as subsidized transit passes, bicycle facilities, carpool matching, or preferential parking for carpool vehicles to encourage employees to use sustainable transportation.

Step 5: Infrastructure

Improve infrastructure to support sustainable transportation, such as installing bike racks, creating shower facilities, or ensuring safe walkways and bike paths to and from the workplace.

Step 6: Partnerships

Form partnerships with local transit agencies, bike-share programs, or carpool services to provide additional commuting options and discounts for employees.

Step 7: Education

Launch educational campaigns to inform employees about the benefits of sustainable transportation and available options, including how to access and use them.

Step 8: Feedback

Gather feedback regularly from employees to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies and make adjustments to improve the program.

Step 9: Recognition

Establish a recognition program to highlight and reward employees who consistently use sustainable transportation.

General Notes

Local Guidelines

Consult local guidelines and regulations regarding sustainable transportation to ensure compliance with any existing policies or initiatives.

Continuous Improvement

Consider the program as an ongoing effort and continuously seek out new ways to enhance the attractiveness of sustainable transportation options.


Maintain clear and open communication with employees throughout the initiative to keep them engaged and informed about any changes or improvements to the program.