Office Recycling Program

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to implement an effective recycling program within an office environment. It guides through the establishment of a recycling system, engaging staff, and maintaining the program.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a waste audit to determine the types of waste the office generates. Assess the current waste management practices and identify opportunities for recycling.

Step 2: Planning

Create a recycling plan that details the types of materials to be recycled, the location of collection bins, collection schedules, and roles or teams responsible for the program.

Step 3: Procurement

Purchase or obtain the necessary recycling bins and signage. Ensure bins are clearly labeled and appropriate for the materials to be collected.

Step 4: Communication

Inform all office staff about the new recycling program through meetings, emails, or memos. Explain the importance of recycling and how to properly use the system.

Step 5: Implementation

Place the recycling bins in designated areas throughout the office. Start the collection of recyclables according to the planned schedule.

Step 6: Monitoring

Regularly check to see if recycling bins are being used correctly and if the program is operating effectively. Adjust the plan as needed based on feedback and observations.

Step 7: Education

Provide ongoing education and updates to the office staff. This can involve periodic reminders, updates on the program’s success, or tips on improving recycling habits.

Step 8: Review

Review the recycling program at regular intervals to measure its success and make improvements. Consider conducting follow-up waste audits and reporting findings to the staff.

General Notes

Leadership Buy-in

Secure the support of executive leadership to ensure the program is taken seriously and provided with the necessary resources.

Local Regulations

Ensure that the recycling program complies with local recycling regulations and guidelines. This may influence the types of materials you can recycle and how they must be collected.


Consider introducing incentives or rewards for teams or individuals who effectively engage in recycling behaviors to motivate participation.