Debunking Recycling Myths

This playbook provides clarification on common misconceptions about recycling. It aims to provide relevant stakeholders and the general public with factual information that corrects these myths.

Step 1: Identify Myths

Compile a list of common myths and misconceptions related to recycling. This list can be generated through surveys, social media, feedback from educational sessions, or common questions received by recycling facilities.

Step 2: Research Facts

Conduct thorough research to find factual information that addresses each myth. Use credible sources such as scientific studies, official recycling guidelines, and expert interviews to gather accurate data.

Step 3: Create Content

Develop content that clearly refutes each recycling myth. This may include articles, infographics, or videos. Ensure that the content is accessible and understandable to the general public.

Step 4: Verify Information

Have experts review the content to ensure that all the information presented is accurate and up-to-date. Make necessary revisions based on their feedback.

Step 5: Disseminate Information

Share the debunked myths and factual information through various channels such as social media, community workshops, schools, and local recycling programs to reach a wide audience.

Step 6: Monitor Impact

Monitor public response to the information and measure the impact on recycling behavior. Use surveys and data from recycling facilities to assess changes in public recycling practices.

General Notes


Ensure that all sources used for gathering information are credible and respected within the environmental and scientific communities to maintain the integrity of the debunking process.


Recycling guidelines and technology can change over time. It's important to periodically review and update the content to keep it relevant and accurate.

Audience Engagement

Engage with the audience through interactive elements such as quizzes, games, and Q&A sessions to reinforce learning and make the debunking process more engaging.