Internet Safety for Children

A comprehensive guide to teach children about the risks of the internet and implement strategies and tools to ensure their online safety.

Step 1: Awareness

Discuss with children the different types of potential online dangers such as cyberbullying, predators, scams, and inappropriate content.

Step 2: Rules

Establish clear rules for internet usage, including what is appropriate to share online, which websites are safe to visit, and what to do if they encounter something uncomfortable.

Step 3: Privacy Settings

Teach children about privacy settings and the importance of not sharing personal information. Adjust settings on devices and applications to enhance privacy.

Step 4: Safe Browsing

Install and configure safe browsing tools, parental controls, and content filters to block inappropriate material and monitor activity.

Step 5: Open Communication

Encourage an open dialogue about their online experiences and assure them that they can approach you with anything concerning or unclear without fear of punishment.

Step 6: Emergency Procedure

Create an action plan for what steps to take if the child encounters something dangerous or upsetting online, including who to tell and how to report issues.

Step 7: Regular Updates

Have ongoing discussions about internet safety and keep rules up-to-date with evolving online landscapes and your child’s age and maturity.

Step 8: Lead by Example

Model good internet behavior by exhibiting appropriate online habits and showing respect for others while online.

General Notes


Provide a list of child-friendly websites, resources, and contact information for local authorities or online safety organizations.

Trust Building

Allow the child to have some independence online, balanced with verification checks to build trust and responsibility.

Education Material

Utilize books, websites, and educational programs designed to teach children about internet safety in an age-appropriate manner.