Organic Greenhouse Gardening

This playbook outlines the steps to set up and maintain an organic garden within a greenhouse. It covers the essentials of climate control, selecting appropriate plant varieties, and organic plant care techniques.

Step 1: Research

Learn about the specific climate needs of the plants you wish to grow, the possible pest issues related to a greenhouse environment, and the principles of organic gardening.

Step 2: Climate Control

Set up a system for controlling the temperature, humidity, and ventilation in your greenhouse to create the ideal growing conditions for your plants.

Step 3: Plant Selection

Choose plant varieties that are suitable for greenhouse cultivation and compatible with organic gardening practices. Preferred choices might be those with resistance to common pests and diseases.

Step 4: Soil Preparation

Prepare the soil in your greenhouse by ensuring proper drainage, adding organic matter, and considering the pH levels suitable for the plants you have selected.

Step 5: Organic Practices

Implement organic gardening practices such as using organic seeds, organic pesticides and fertilizers, and employing natural methods for pest control and plant care.

Step 6: Monitoring

Regularly monitor your greenhouse environment and plants' health, checking for signs of pests, disease, and any nutrient deficiencies that can be rectified with organic solutions.

Step 7: Maintenance

Keep up consistent maintenance of your greenhouse by cleaning, pruning, watering, and fertilizing as needed, ensuring to always adhere to organic standards.

General Notes


If you are planning to sell your produce, consider getting organic certifications for your greenhouse to assure customers of your adherence to organic practices.

Continuous Learning

Stay updated with organic gardening trends, attend workshops, and connect with other organic greenhouse gardeners to share experiences and insights.