Managing Network Bandwidth

This playbook provides a guide on how to monitor network usage, adjust Quality of Service (QoS) settings for traffic prioritization, and ensure fair distribution of bandwidth across a network.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Evaluate the network requirements and the importance of various types of traffic. Identify which applications are critical to operations and might require higher priority.

Step 2: Monitor Usage

Use network monitoring tools to track usage patterns and identify high-bandwidth applications or devices.

Step 3: Implement QoS

Configure Quality of Service settings in your router or network management tools to prioritize essential traffic types. This can help maintain performance during peak usage times.

Step 4: Adjust Policies

Regularly review and adjust QoS policies based on changing network conditions or business requirements.

Step 5: Communicate Changes

Inform users of any key changes to network management policies, especially if these will affect their bandwidth or usage.

Step 6: Continuous Monitoring

Keep an ongoing check on the network performance and make adjustments as necessary to maintain a balance between different types of network traffic.

General Notes

Tools Selection

Choose network monitoring and QoS tools that are compatible with your existing infrastructure and meet your specific needs.


Ensure that staff responsible for managing the network are trained to use the selected monitoring and management tools effectively.

Policy Updates

Update acceptable use policies to reflect any changes in network management strategies and communicate the policies to all network users.