Smart Home Energy Savings

This playbook describes the steps to use smart home devices to manage and minimize household energy consumption, resulting in cost savings.

Step 1: Assess

Conduct an energy assessment of your current household devices and identify areas where energy usage can be optimized.

Step 2: Research

Investigate various smart home devices available on the market that are designed to save energy. Consider factors such as compatibility with existing devices, cost, and user reviews.

Step 3: Plan

Create a plan for integrating smart devices into your home. Prioritize areas with the highest energy consumption and consider your budget.

Step 4: Purchase

Buy the selected smart home devices based on your research and planning. Look for deals or rebates that may be available to reduce costs.

Step 5: Install

Install the smart home devices according to the manufacturer's instructions or hire a professional if necessary.

Step 6: Configure

Configure and customize the smart devices settings to optimize energy savings. Set schedules, timers, and automation that align with your lifestyle.

Step 7: Monitor

Regularly monitor the smart devices and your energy consumption through the associated apps or a central smart home management system.

Step 8: Adjust

Make adjustments to settings and schedules as necessary to maximize energy savings. Analyze data collected from the devices to make informed decisions.

Step 9: Maintain

Keep the smart home devices clean and in good condition. Regularly update device software to ensure optimal performance and new energy-saving features.

General Notes


Ensure new devices are compatible with any existing smart home systems to maintain seamless integration and control.


Always follow best practices to secure your smart home network and devices to prevent unauthorized access.


Research local energy company incentives or government tax credits that may be available for purchasing energy-efficient smart home devices.