Crisis-Sensitive Design

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide to designing products and services that are resilient to disruptions caused by crises and can assist in crisis response efforts.

Step 1: Research

Gather information about potential crises that could impact the product or service. This includes researching past crises, assessing risks, and identifying the needs of the stakeholders during such events.

Step 2: Impact Analysis

Conduct an impact analysis to understand how different types of crises could affect the product’s lifecycle or service delivery. Consider factors like supply chain interruptions, increased demand, or functional limitations.

Step 3: Problem Solving

Identify and prioritize problems that might arise during a crisis. Develop theoretical solutions that could either prevent the problem or mitigate its effects.

Step 4: Feature Planning

Outline features that can help the product or service function effectively in a crisis. This should focus on adaptability, robustness, and the capacity to meet critical needs.

Step 5: Risk Management

Implement risk management strategies, including contingency planning and establishing fail-safes, to manage potential issues proactively.

Step 6: User Feedback

Collect user feedback to ensure that the theoretical solutions and features meet the actual needs of stakeholders during a crisis.

Step 7: Development

Develop prototypes of the product or service incorporating the identified features and solutions. Test these prototypes rigorously to ensure reliability.

Step 8: Iteration

Iterate on the design based on tests and feedback, refining features and improving crisis responsiveness.

Step 9: Documentation

Create comprehensive documentation detailing how the product or service should be used during a crisis, including any special instructions or features relevant to crisis situations.

Step 10: Launch Preparation

Prepare for the product or service launch, ensuring all stakeholders have the necessary training, resources, and communications to effectively use it during a crisis.

Step 11: Monitoring

After launch, continuously monitor the product or service to ensure it remains effective and reliable in crisis scenarios. Be prepared to make updates or provide support as necessary.

General Notes

Ethical Considerations

Ensure that the design process and the final products or services abide by ethical standards, especially concerning user privacy, security, and accessibility during a crisis.


Forge partnerships with organizations and experts in crisis management to enhance the effectiveness of the product or service and to better understand the context of its use in emergency situations.