Pilates for Runners

This playbook outlines a series of Pilates exercises tailored for runners. The aim is to enhance core strength and flexibility to support running performance and injury prevention.

Step 1: Warm-Up

Begin with a 5-10 minute warm-up to increase blood flow and prep the muscles for the Pilates session. This could include light jogging or dynamic stretching exercises.

Step 2: Core Activation

Engage in exercises like the Pilates Hundred or planks to activate and strengthen the core, which is crucial for running stability.

Step 3: Leg Work

Incorporate leg exercises such as leg circles and standing leg lifts that enhance the range of motion and strengthen the hip flexors and leg muscles.

Step 4: Flexibility

Perform stretches and movements, such as the saw or spine stretch, that specifically target the hamstrings and lower back, improving flexibility.

Step 5: Balance Training

Execute balance exercises, including single-leg teasers and side kicks, to improve proprioception and coordination.

Step 6: Cool Down

Conclude the session with a cool-down phase, consisting of gentle stretching and relaxation to ease muscle tension and promote recovery.

General Notes


For the best results, integrate these Pilates exercises into your training routine 2-3 times a week.

Breath Control

Focus on maintaining controlled breathing throughout each Pilates exercise to enhance core engagement and overall effectiveness.


Stay hydrated before, during, and after the workout to ensure optimal performance and recovery.