Home Yoga Practice Setup

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to create and maintain a consistent yoga practice at home. It guides through the preparation of physical space, selection of materials, and the establishment of a routine.

Step 1: Define Goals

Identify and write down your personal goals for practicing yoga at home. Goals could range from improving flexibility, reducing stress, to enhancing physical strength.

Step 2: Choose Space

Select a dedicated space in your home for yoga practice. This should be a quiet, comfortable area with minimal distractions.

Step 3: Gather Equipment

Collect the necessary equipment for your practice, such as a yoga mat, blocks, straps, or blankets.

Step 4: Create Ambiance

Set up the ambiance of your space to promote relaxation and focus. Consider aspects like lighting, aromatherapy, or background music.

Step 5: Plan Schedule

Decide on a specific time for your daily or weekly yoga practice and commit it to your calendar.

Step 6: Select Resources

Choose yoga resources to guide your practice. Resources can include online classes, apps, books, or tutorials.

Step 7: Initiate Routine

Begin your practice with simple routines, gradually incorporating more advanced poses as you gain confidence and experience.

Step 8: Evaluate Progress

Regularly assess and adjust your practice as needed to stay aligned with your goals and to keep the practice engaging and challenging.

General Notes


A regular and consistent yoga practice is more important than the duration of each session.

Comfort Over Perfection

Prioritize comfort and personal experience over perfection in poses or keeping up with complex routines.

Stay Safe

Always be mindful of your body's capabilities and limitations to prevent injury.