Ashtanga Yoga Basics

This playbook outlines the steps needed to begin practicing the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series. It covers the sequence of poses and provides insight into the dynamic methodology of Ashtanga Yoga.

Step 1: Introduction

Begin with understanding the five-pointed philosophy of Ashtanga Yoga which consists of the correct sequence (Vinyasa), breathing (Pranayama), posture (Asana), gaze (Drishti), and internal locks (Bandha).

Step 2: Warm-Up

Start with Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar A and B) for approximately 5-10 cycles to warm up the body.

Step 3: Standing Poses

Move through the series of standing poses to build foundation and strength.

Step 4: Seated Poses

Continue with the sequence of seated postures, integrating the application of breath and movement (Vinyasa).

Step 5: Finishing Sequence

Conclude with the finishing set of poses which includes a sequence of inversions and a final relaxation (Savasana).

Step 6: Closing Prayer

End your practice with a traditional closing prayer to seal in the practice and bring a sense of completion.

General Notes

Consistent Practice

Ashtanga Yoga is traditionally practiced six days a week, with rest on Saturday as well as the days of the full and new moon.


Seek guidance from an experienced Ashtanga teacher to ensure proper technique and progressive learning.

Listening to Body

Always listen to your body and modify postures as necessary, especially if new or healing from injury.