Advanced Pilates for Athletes

A specialized Pilates routine designed to boost athletic performance through advanced techniques and exercises. This playbook guides athletes through a series of Pilates workouts aimed at improving strength, flexibility, and control.

Step 1: Preparation

Before beginning the workout, ensure that you have a comfortable space, a Pilates mat, and any other necessary Pilates equipment such as a reformer, bands, or a magic circle. Dress in comfortable, fitted attire that allows for a full range of motion.

Step 2: Warm-up

Start with a warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the workout. This could include dynamic stretches, light cardiovascular exercise, and basic Pilates exercises to establish core engagement and awareness of breath.

Step 3: Core Series

Perform a series of advanced core-focused Pilates exercises. This may include variations on the classics like 'The Hundred,' 'Criss-Cross,' and 'Teaser' that are adjusted for a higher level of difficulty and increased engagement.

Step 4: Lower Body Series

Incorporate lower-body exercises such as 'Side Kicks,' 'Leg Pulls,' and 'Heel Beats' to target and strengthen the legs, hips, and glutes, essential areas for athletes.

Step 5: Upper Body Series

Include a range of movements to challenge the upper body, integrating exercises like the 'Pilates Push-up,' 'Triceps Press,' and 'Arm Circles' that promote upper body strength and stability.

Step 6: Flexibility Drills

Intersperse flexibility-focused exercises throughout the workout or dedicate a specific section to them. Exercises like 'Saw,' 'Spine Stretch Forward,' and 'Mermaid' help increase range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.

Step 7: Cool Down

Finish the workout with a cool down phase to allow your heart rate to return to normal and your muscles to relax. Practice Pilates breathing techniques and gentle stretching to close out the session.

General Notes


Ensure you stay hydrated throughout the workout by drinking water before, during, and after the routine.


Advance to more challenging exercises only when you're comfortable with the current ones, to prevent injury and ensure proper form.


Include rest days in your Pilates schedule to allow your muscles to recover and prevent overtraining.