Handcrafting Dovetail Drawers

This procedural guide describes the steps to create strong and durable dovetail drawers by hand. Emphasizing a traditional approach, it focuses on meticulously crafting the dovetail joint to ensure the quality and longevity of the drawers.

Step 1: Materials

Gather all necessary materials including wood boards for the drawer sides, front, and back, a saw, chisels, a mallet, a marking gauge, a dovetail marker, wood glue, clamps, a square, sandpaper, and a workbench.

Step 2: Dimensioning

Measure and cut the wood boards to the desired dimensions for your drawer. Ensure that all pieces are square and have flat surfaces.

Step 3: Marking

Use the marking gauge to set the thickness of the drawer sides. Mark the depth of the dovetails on the ends of the front and back pieces of the drawer.

Step 4: Sawing

With a dovetail saw, carefully cut along the marked lines for the dovetails. Make sure to cut on the waste side of the line and keep the saw cuts straight.

Step 5: Chiseling

Remove the waste material between the dovetails using a sharp chisel and mallet. Work gradually, chipping away small amounts at a time for accuracy.

Step 6: Test Fit

Dry fit the pieces together to check the precision of your dovetails. Make fine adjustments with the chisel if necessary, ensuring a snug, square fit.

Step 7: Gluing

Apply a moderate amount of wood glue to the dovetails. Assemble the drawer, making sure all joints are tight and the drawer is square.

Step 8: Clamping

Clamp the drawer together using woodworking clamps. Wipe away any excess glue with a damp cloth and let the glue set according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Step 9: Finishing

Once the glue has dried, remove the clamps. Sand the drawer to remove any sharp edges or uneven surfaces. Finish the drawer with the desired stain or protective coating.

General Notes


Always practice safety when using sharp tools. Wear appropriate safety gear such as safety glasses and follow all workshop safety instructions.

Wood Selection

Choose hardwoods like oak, walnut, or maple for the best strength and appearance of your dovetail drawers.

Grain Direction

Pay attention to the direction of the wood grain when marking and cutting dovetails to ensure the best fit and avoid splitting the wood.