Creating a Basic Will

This playbook provides a structured approach to creating a basic will. It outlines the steps for designating beneficiaries, selecting an executor, and detailing the distribution of assets to ensure a clear and legally binding document.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather personal information including full legal name, social security number, address, and an inventory of assets. Also, consider any guardianship wishes if applicable.

Step 2: Beneficiaries

Identify and list all potential beneficiaries with their full names and relationships to you. Decide on what and how much each beneficiary will receive.

Step 3: Executor

Choose a reliable and trustworthy person to serve as the executor of your will. This person will be responsible for administering your estate according to your wishes.

Step 4: Distribution

Specify how your assets should be distributed among the listed beneficiaries. Include detailed information for clarity and to prevent potential disputes.

Step 5: Legal Requirements

Ensure the will meets all state-specific legal requirements, such as the necessity of witnesses during signing or any particular phrasing required by state law.

Step 6: Sign & Witness

Sign the will in the presence of at least two witnesses who are not beneficiaries. The witnesses must also sign, acknowledging that they witnessed your signature.

Step 7: Secure Storage

Store the will in a safe and secure location. Inform your executor where the will is kept and consider providing them a copy for their records.

General Notes


Regularly review and update your will, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or significant changes in assets.

Legal Advice

Consider consulting a lawyer for advice, particularly if your estate involves complicated family dynamics or significant assets.

Additional Documents

Remember that a complete estate plan often includes other documents such as a durable power of attorney and a living will, in addition to the last will and testament.