VR Video Production Guide

This playbook provides an overview of the key steps involved in producing virtual reality videos. It covers the process from selecting the right equipment to the final stages of post-production.

Step 1: Equipment Setup

Choose the appropriate VR camera and supporting equipment such as tripods and stabilizers to ensure high-quality footage. Make sure all equipment is compatible and functioning.

Step 2: Scene Preparation

Prepare the filming location by ensuring it is suitable for VR. This includes securing a spacious area free of obstructions and optimizing lighting conditions.

Step 3: Filming Techniques

Utilize specific VR filming techniques such as considering the 360-degree space, maintaining camera stability, and deciding on the viewer's point of interest.

Step 4: Footage Review

After filming, review all footage to identify any issues with the shots and to confirm that all necessary scenes have been captured from every angle needed.

Step 5: Post-Production

In post-production, stitch the footage together to create a seamless VR experience. This step may involve the use of specialized software and techniques to address any parallax errors and to ensure a coherent flow.

General Notes

Software Choice

Selecting the right VR video editing software is crucial. It should support the stitching of different angles and provide tools for adjusting color and alignment.

Hardware Requirements

Ensure your computer is powerful enough to handle VR video editing, which can be resource-intensive, to prevent issues such as lag or crashes during post-production.