Sex Education for Teens

This playbook outlines the steps to facilitate an effective sex education discussion with teenagers. It emphasizes the creation of a trustful, open, and honest dialogue regarding sexual health and responsibility.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather accurate information and resources about sexual health topics relevant to teens. Include materials on anatomy, puberty, contraception, consent, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and healthy relationships.

Step 2: Setting

Create a comfortable, private environment for the conversation. Ensure it is a safe space where teens feel they can ask questions and express themselves without judgment.

Step 3: Introduction

Begin the conversation with an open mind. Introduce the topic in a non-judgmental way and express your willingness to answer any questions they may have.

Step 4: Listen

Encourage teens to share their thoughts and feelings. Actively listen without interrupting, and validate their emotions and experiences to build trust.

Step 5: Educate

Provide factual, clear information on sexual health topics. Use the prepared materials to guide the discussion and explain complex concepts in an age-appropriate manner.

Step 6: Discuss Responsibility

Talk about the importance of responsibility in sexual relationships, including consent, protection, and respect for oneself and others.

Step 7: Encourage Questions

Give teens the chance to ask questions throughout the discussion and be ready to answer honestly or direct them to additional resources if needed.

Step 8: Follow-Up

Let teens know that this conversation isn't one-time. Encourage ongoing dialogue and make yourself available for future discussions and questions.

General Notes


Assure teens that the details discussed in these conversations will be kept confidential, except in situations where their safety is at risk.

Outside Resources

Provide a list of resources, such as websites, hotlines, and local health centers, where teens can seek additional information and support.

Cultural Sensitivity

Be aware and sensitive to the cultural, religious, and personal values of each teen. Tailor the discussion to be inclusive and respectful of diverse beliefs.