Healthy Lifestyle for Teens

This playbook provides guidance on advising teenagers to adopt a healthy lifestyle by incorporating a nutritious diet and regular exercise into their daily routine.

Step 1: Education

Educate teens on the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Explain how these contribute to their overall health, growth, and mental well-being.

Step 2: Assessment

Assess the current eating habits and physical activity levels of the teens. This helps in tailoring advice that fits their individual lifestyle.

Step 3: Goal Setting

Help set realistic and achievable nutrition and exercise goals. Encourage them to aim for a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility activities.

Step 4: Nutrition Plan

Guide teens in creating a balanced nutrition plan that includes a variety of foods from all food groups. Emphasize the importance of breakfast and staying hydrated.

Step 5: Activity Plan

Assist in developing an exercise routine that is enjoyable and sustainable. Recommend participation in sports or other physical activities they find fun.

Step 6: Monitoring

Set up a system for monitoring their progress with regular check-ins. Adjust the nutrition and exercise plans as needed.

Step 7: Support System

Encourage the creation of a support system consisting of family, friends, or a mentor to provide motivation and accountability.

Step 8: Ongoing Education

Continuously provide information on health and wellness to reinforce healthy eating and exercise habits.

General Notes


Keep in mind that each teen is unique, and advice should be tailored to fit their preferences, culture, and lifestyle.

Positive Reinforcement

Use positive reinforcement to celebrate achievements and maintain motivation, avoiding negative language that may lead to discouragement.

Professional Guidance

Refer to a dietitian or fitness professional when specialized expertise is required, especially for teens with specific health conditions or nutritional needs.