Team Sportsmanship and Ethics

This playbook provides guidance on upholding sportsmanship and ethical behavior in team sports. It aims to instill values of fair play, respect, and integrity among athletes during competition.

Step 1: Understand Values

Learn and internalize the core values of sportsmanship such as fairness, respect, integrity, and responsibility. Recognize how these values contribute to a positive sporting environment.

Step 2: Respect Opponents

Show respect to opponents before, during, and after games. This includes avoiding derogatory comments, handshaking, and acknowledging good play.

Step 3: Follow Rules

Adhere strictly to the rules of the game. Understand that rules are in place to ensure fair competition and safety for all participants.

Step 4: Accept Decisions

Accept and respect the decisions of the officials without dispute. Constructive dialogue may occur, but always within the parameters of the sport's guidelines and without personal attacks or dissent.

Step 5: Encourage Teammates

Foster a supportive environment within the team. Commend teammates for their efforts and provide constructive feedback to encourage improvement and maintain a positive team spirit.

Step 6: Maintain Discipline

Exhibit self-control and discipline in both actions and language. Avoid emotional outbursts, physical altercations, and any form of cheating.

Step 7: Honor Sport

Act in a manner that honors the sport and tradition. Strive to contribute positively to the legacy of the sport by being a role model in behavior and attitude.

General Notes

Role Modeling

Senior players and those in leadership positions should be mindful of their role as models for younger or less-experienced athletes.

Continuous Learning

Regularly engage in discussions and training on sportsmanship and ethics to adapt to evolving standards and to reinforce commitment to these principles.