Tax Planning for Life Events

This playbook outlines the steps to assess and adjust tax planning strategies in response to major life events such as having a child, purchasing a home, or retiring. These events can significantly affect one's tax obligations.

Step 1: Assess Event

Identify the major life event you are experiencing or planning for, such as having a child, buying a home, or retiring. Understand the tax implications associated with this event.

Step 2: Gather Documents

Compile all financial documents related to the life event that can impact your tax situation. This may include income statements, receipts for expenses, or legal documents.

Step 3: Seek Advice

Consult with a tax professional or financial advisor to discuss the specific tax considerations and strategies related to your life event.

Step 4: Update Filings

Make any necessary updates to your tax filings, such as adjustments to withholding exemptions or estimated tax payments.

Step 5: Adjust Deductions

Review potential tax deductions or credits related to the life event, such as child tax credits or home mortgage interest deductions, and plan how to utilize them.

Step 6: Investigate State Taxes

Examine state tax laws, as they can vary and may offer additional credits, deductions, or considerations for your specific life event.

Step 7: Plan Future Taxes

Develop or adjust your long-term tax planning strategies to account for the on-going financial implications of the life event.

General Notes

Record Keeping

Maintain organized records of all documents and receipts related to the life event for accurate tax reporting and potential audits.

Yearly Review

Revisit your tax situation annually, as laws and personal circumstances may change, affecting your tax planning.