Starting an EV Car Club

This playbook provides a guide to starting or joining an electric vehicle (EV) car club. It outlines benefits such as shared resources and community support, and gives a step-by-step procedure for initiating or becoming part of an EV car club.

Step 1: Research

Gather information about existing electric vehicle car clubs in your area. Look for online communities, social media groups, local meetups, or electric vehicle associations.

Step 2: Evaluate Benefits

Assess the benefits of starting or joining an EV car club, such as cost savings, shared knowledge, and community engagement.

Step 3: Define Purpose

Determine the goals for the car club. Whether it's for social gatherings, group purchases, advocacy, or shared EV usage, having clear objectives will help in structuring the club.

Step 4: Recruitment

Start recruiting members. Reach out to local EV owners through online platforms, electric vehicle dealerships, and community bulletin boards.

Step 5: Organize Meetup

Organize an initial meetup for interested parties to discuss the structure of the club, membership requirements, and to plan future activities or events.

Step 6: Establish Rules

Create a set of rules or bylaws to govern club operations. Decide on membership fees if any, meeting schedules, decision-making processes, and other logistical elements.

Step 7: Official Formation

Formally establish the club. This could involve creating a legal entity, if necessary, opening a club bank account, and setting up a website or social media presence.

Step 8: Promote Club

Promote the club to grow the membership. Use local events, EV shows, and partnerships with environmental organizations to raise awareness.

General Notes

Consider Partnerships

Explore partnerships with local businesses that could provide benefits to club members, such as discounts on charging or EV services.

Legal Guidance

Seek legal guidance if you decide to formalize the club as a non-profit or a legal entity to ensure compliance with local regulations.