Advanced Strength Training

This playbook outlines advanced strength training techniques geared towards experienced lifters. It provides steps to effectively incorporate drop sets, super sets, and giant sets into a workout regimen.

Step 1: Warm-Up

Begin each training session with a 10-15 minute warm-up consisting of dynamic stretching and light cardio to prepare your muscles and joints for the intense workout ahead.

Step 2: Standard Sets

Perform standard sets of your chosen exercises to establish a foundation for the workout, focusing on proper form and technique before moving on to advanced techniques.

Step 3: Drop Sets

After reaching muscle fatigue with standard sets, immediately reduce the weight by 10-30% and continue performing additional reps until failure. This assists in pushing past the point of initial fatigue.

Step 4: Super Sets

Combine two exercises targeting opposing muscle groups or the same muscle group and perform them back-to-back without rest in between. For example, pair a pushing exercise with a pulling exercise.

Step 5: Giant Sets

Execute four or more exercises in a row without rest, targeting the same muscle group, to create an extremely high-intensity and volume workout. Ensure all exercises are set up beforehand to minimize downtime.

Step 6: Recovery

After completing the advanced training techniques, cool down with light stretching or foam rolling to aid recovery and reduce muscle soreness. Consume a balanced post-workout meal to replenish energy stores and assist in muscle repair.

General Notes


Ensure you stay hydrated throughout the workout, especially as advanced techniques can be more physically taxing and lead to quicker dehydration.


Gradually increase the difficulty level of the advanced techniques. Begin with lighter weights or fewer sets and progressively work your way up as your strength and endurance improve.

Rest Intervals

Take adequate rest intervals between each set of exercises to allow for partial recovery, being mindful not to rest too long as the intent is to maintain a high intensity.


Practice advanced techniques with a spotter or trainer to minimize the risk of injury, especially when performing exercises with heavy weights or to failure.