Athlete Hydration Strategies

This guide offers a detailed approach to maintaining proper hydration for athletes to prevent injuries. It includes recommendations for fluid intake before, during, and after sports activities.

Step 1: Pre-Activity Hydration

Begin hydrating at least 4 hours before exercise. If urine is dark, increase fluid intake until it lightens to a pale yellow color.

Step 2: Hydration Timing

During the activity, aim to drink regularly. The goal is to replace most of the water lost through sweat, which can vary between individuals.

Step 3: Quantifying Intake

A general rule is to drink about 7-10 ounces (about 200-300 milliliters) of water every 10-20 minutes during exercise, adjusting based on intensity, heat, and individual sweat rates.

Step 4: Post-Activity Rehydration

After exercise, rehydrate by drinking enough to replace any weight lost due to sweating. Consuming a sports drink with electrolytes can help restore the balance of minerals lost during intense or long-duration activities.

Step 5: Continuous Monitoring

Monitor hydration status by checking urine color and volume regularly. Consistently pale and voluminous urine typically indicates good hydration levels.

General Notes


Hydration needs can be highly individual. Factors such as body size, sweat rate, sport intensity, and environmental conditions should be taken into account.

Avoid Overhydration

Drinking excessive amounts can lead to hyponatremia. It is important to balance water intake and listen to the body's thirst signals.