Understanding Learning Disabilities

This playbook outlines the steps to understand various learning disabilities, their impacts on learning, and effective teaching strategies to support students with these disabilities.

Step 1: Learn Basics

Study the basic definitions and types of learning disabilities, such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and processing deficits.

Step 2: Identify Impact

Identify how each learning disability can affect a student's learning process and day-to-day activities in an educational setting.

Step 3: Recognize Signs

Learn to recognize the common signs and symptoms of learning disabilities in students that may indicate the need for further assessment.

Step 4: Assessment

Understand the process of professional assessment for learning disabilities, including who is qualified to diagnose and what tests may be used.

Step 5: Review Laws

Review the relevant laws and regulations that protect the rights of students with learning disabilities, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Step 6: Plan Interventions

Learn about different intervention strategies, instructional methods, and accommodations that can be made to support students with learning disabilities.

Step 7: Implement Strategies

Implement teaching strategies and accommodations tailored to individual student needs, monitoring progress and adjusting approaches as necessary.

Step 8: Engage Support

Incorporate a team approach by engaging with other educators, parents, and specialists to support the student's learning and development.

Step 9: Promote Awareness

Promote awareness and understanding of learning disabilities among educators, students, and the community to foster an inclusive educational environment.

Step 10: Continuous Learning

Commit to ongoing education and professional development to stay updated on the latest research, strategies, and resources for teaching students with learning disabilities.

General Notes


Remember that collaboration with colleagues, special education teachers, school psychologists, and parents is vital for the successful inclusion of students with learning disabilities.


Exercising patience and understanding is crucial, as students with learning disabilities may require more time to grasp concepts or complete tasks.


Individualize learning plans and accommodations as much as possible, since the effectiveness of strategies can greatly vary from one student to another.

Legal Compliance

Ensure that all interventions and accommodations are in compliance with local and federal laws to uphold the educational rights of students with learning disabilities.