Business Audit Preparation

This playbook provides a structured approach to preparing for a business information audit, aiming to minimize legal risks and ensure a smooth audit process.

Step 1: Documentation

Compile and organize all relevant business documentation, such as financial statements, tax returns, receipts, invoices, and contracts. Ensure accuracy and completeness of each document.

Step 2: Policies Review

Review the company's policies and procedures to make sure they comply with applicable laws and regulations. Update any that are outdated or not in compliance.

Step 3: Internal Audit

Conduct an internal audit to identify any discrepancies or errors in financial reports or operational procedures. Address any issues discovered before the external audit takes place.

Step 4: Communication

Inform all relevant departments and employees about the upcoming audit. Clarify their roles and what will be expected of them during the process.

Step 5: Audit Schedule

Coordinate with the auditing entity to set a feasible timeline and schedule for the audit. Make sure all key personnel are available during the scheduled times.

Step 6: Point Person

Assign a knowledgeable member of your team to be the point of contact for the auditors. They will be responsible for answering questions and providing necessary information.

Step 7: Compliance Check

Perform a final review of compliance with relevant laws and standards. Ensure that any previous audit findings have been adequately addressed and rectified.

Step 8: Data Access

Ensure that all requested data is accessible to the auditors. Maintain organization to prevent any unnecessary delays during the auditing process.

Step 9: Practice Interview

Prepare the key personnel for interviews with the auditors by conducting practice sessions. This helps to build confidence and ensure that communications are clear and professional.

Step 10: Pre-Audit Meeting

Hold a meeting with the auditors before the audit begins to discuss the scope, objectives, and any concerns. It's a good opportunity to establish a working rapport.

General Notes


Remind all staff involved that the information shared during the audit is confidential, and should not be disclosed outside of the audit process.

Legal Advice

Consider consulting a legal expert to review your preparations for the audit, to ensure that you've adequately minimized legal risks.