Tracking SEO Performance

This playbook describes a procedure for using Google Analytics and Search Console to monitor and evaluate the performance of SEO efforts. It aims to help make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Step 1: Access Analytics

Sign in to your Google Analytics account. Set up your website property if it hasn't been configured already.

Step 2: Set Goals

Define specific goals in Google Analytics to track conversions and other key performance indicators (KPIs) for SEO.

Step 3: Review Reports

Use the Acquisition, Behavior, and Conversions reports in Google Analytics to understand user interactions and traffic sources.

Step 4: Integrate Console

Link your Google Search Console account with Google Analytics for a comprehensive view of organic search data.

Step 5: Analyze Queries

Examine the Search Analytics report in Google Search Console to see the queries that bring users to your site.

Step 6: Check Indexing

Use the Index Coverage report in Google Search Console to ensure your pages are being indexed appropriately.

Step 7: Monitor Issues

Regularly check the Manual Actions section in Google Search Console for any penalties and the Security Issues report for potential threats.

Step 8: Assess Links

Study the Links report in Google Search Console to understand and evaluate the backlinks to your site.

Step 9: Implement Insights

Make informed decisions and implement changes to your SEO strategy based on the insights gained from analytics data.

General Notes

Regular Updates

Stay updated with any changes to the tools (Google Analytics and Search Console) to effectively use new features or adjust to updates in the reporting interface.

Continuous Learning

SEO is an ever-changing field, so continuous learning and adapting to new trends and algorithms is crucial for ongoing success.