Resume Keyword Research

This playbook outlines the procedure for conducting keyword research to customize a resume effectively. It emphasizes the importance of selecting industry-relevant keywords to tailor a resume for a specific job target.

Step 1: Understanding

Gain a clearer understanding of the role keywords play in resume filtering systems and how they can impact your job search success.

Step 2: Identify Job Target

Determine the specific industry and job position you are targeting for your job search.

Step 3: Collect Job Descriptions

Gather several job descriptions for your targeted position from various sources like company websites, job boards, or industry publications.

Step 4: Analyze Descriptions

Examine the job descriptions to identify frequently mentioned skills, certifications, and qualifications that are relevant to your job target.

Step 5: List Keywords

Create a list of the most relevant and recurring keywords found in the job descriptions, including both technical terms and soft skills.

Step 6: Incorporate Keywords

Strategically embed the identified keywords into your resume, ensuring they naturally fit within the context of your experiences and qualifications.

Step 7: Review and Edit

Review your resume for readability and to ensure that the use of keywords does not compromise the flow or clarity of information.

Step 8: Feedback

If possible, seek feedback on your keyword-optimized resume from industry professionals or career advisors to refine it further.

Step 9: Finalize Resume

Make any necessary adjustments based on feedback and finalize your resume in preparation for job applications.

General Notes

Keyword Use

Be careful not to 'keyword stuff' your resume. While keywords are important, overuse can appear unnatural and may be flagged by automated screening systems.

Ongoing Updates

Keep updating your keyword research as job market trends and industry terminology can evolve rapidly.