Emphasizing Leadership in Resume

This playbook provides steps to effectively highlight and showcase leadership skills within a resume. It is intended for individuals looking to communicate their ability to lead and manage teams or projects.

Step 1: Identify Skills

List all your leadership-related skills and experiences. Think about times you've led a team, managed a project, resolved conflicts, or motivated others. Include both professional and volunteer experiences.

Step 2: Quantify Achievements

For each leadership experience, quantify your achievements. Use numbers and metrics to show the scale and impact of your work. For example, “Led a team of 10 in completing a project 20% under budget.”

Step 3: Use Strong Verbs

Begin bullet points with strong action verbs that convey leadership and responsibility. Words like 'orchestrated', 'spearheaded', and 'cultivated' can be very effective.

Step 4: Highlight Soft Skills

Include soft skills that are essential for leadership, such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Where possible, provide context that shows how you've applied these skills.

Step 5: Include Testimonials

Incorporate quotes or testimonials from supervisors, colleagues, or those you've led, if available. This adds credibility to your leadership claims.

Step 6: Tailor to Job

Adjust your leadership examples to align with the job description. Emphasize the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position you are applying for.

Step 7: Format Strategically

Use formatting elements like bolding or italics to draw attention to key leadership positions or achievements. Make sure these highlights are easy to find at a glance.

Step 8: Get Feedback

Have mentors or peers review the leadership sections of your resume. Ask for feedback on clarity and impact, and make adjustments as suggested.

General Notes


Ensure consistency in the formatting and tense of your resume to maintain professionalism and readability.