Hosting a Swap Party

This playbook describes the steps involved in organizing a Swap Party, which is an event where attendees can exchange items they no longer need or want. The aim is to facilitate recycling and reduce consumption by swapping instead of buying new products.

Step 1: Planning

Determine the type of swap party (e.g., clothing, books, toys), pick a date and venue that's convenient for attendees, and decide the rules for the swap.

Step 2: Invitations

Create and distribute invitations with all necessary details. Ensure to include the kind of items accepted, the rule of the swap, venue, date, and time.

Step 3: Setup

Prepare the venue with clear areas or tables for different categories of items. Provide signs to help participants sort items easily.

Step 4: Check-in

Greet participants as they arrive, direct them to place their items in the designated areas, and explain the process of the swap.

Step 5: Swap Time

Allow attendees to browse and choose items they're interested in. Ensure the swap is conducted fairly and within the established rules.

Step 6: Cleanup

After the event, organize a team to help with cleaning up the venue. Decide what to do with leftover items, such as donating to charity.

General Notes


Promote the swap party in advance through social media, local bulletin boards, and word of mouth to increase the number of participants and items.

Ground Rules

Clearly communicate the rules, such as 'take what you need, give what you can', to ensure the event runs smoothly and to avoid potential disputes.