Ultimate Frisbee Basics

This playbook outlines the foundational elements of playing Ultimate Frisbee, aimed at beginners. It includes the sport's basic rules, throwing techniques, and practice drills to help new players enhance their skills.

Step 1: Learn Rules

Familiarize yourself with the basic rules of Ultimate Frisbee such as the object of the game, how to score points, rule of substitutions, definitions of fouls, and the self-officiating nature of the sport.

Step 2: Grip Techniques

Practice the two main frisbee grips: Backhand and Forehand. Backhand grip is used for throwing to the left for right-handed players and to the right for left-handed players. Forehand grip, or sidearm, is used for the opposite directions.

Step 3: Throwing Drills

Work on basic throwing techniques: Backhand throw, forehand throw, hammer throw, and scoober throw. Begin by mastering the backhand and forehand before moving on to the more advanced hammer and scoober throws.

Step 4: Catching Drills

Learn and practice various catching techniques, emphasizing the pancake catch for stability and the rim catch for high or difficult passes. Consistent practice is essential for improving hand-eye coordination.

Step 5: Gameplay Drills

Execute drills that improve endurance, speed, and strategies in a game-like setting. Focus on cutting to get open for a pass, marking the opponent, and stacks to organize players efficiently on the field.

General Notes


Ensure you have the proper equipment: an official Ultimate Frisbee disc, cleats for outdoor play, and sports apparel suitable for running and jumping.

Spirit of the Game

Remember that Ultimate Frisbee is built on a foundation of sportsmanship, known as 'Spirit of the Game'. This emphasizes honest play and respectful communication among all players.