Office Worker Preventative Exercises

This playbook provides a series of exercises and stretches tailored for office workers to help prevent common physical ailments such as lower back pain and poor posture. Regular practice can enhance overall well-being and work performance.

Step 1: Preparation

Identify a comfortable space within your office where you can perform exercises without restriction. Ensure you have comfortable clothing that allows movement and if possible, a yoga mat or soft surface.

Step 2: Warming Up

Start with a 5-minute warm-up to get the blood flowing. This can include walking in place, gentle marching, or arm circles to prepare your muscles for the stretches.

Step 3: Neck Stretches

Gently tilt your head towards each shoulder and hold for 15-30 seconds to stretch the sides of your neck. Look up and down, holding each position, to stretch the front and back of the neck.

Step 4: Shoulder Rolls

Rotate your shoulders in a circular motion, first forward then backward for 30 seconds each to relieve tension in the shoulder and neck area.

Step 5: Wrist Exercises

Extend your arm out with palm facing down and gently pull back on your fingers to stretch the wrist. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then press the hand down for a counter-stretch.

Step 6: Back Stretch

Stand up and place your hands on your lower back. Gently arch backwards and hold for 15-30 seconds, looking up to stretch your spine and chest.

Step 7: Leg Stretches

While seated, extend one leg out and reach towards your toes, holding for 15-30 seconds to stretch the hamstring. Repeat on the other side.

Step 8: Hip Flexors

Stand up and take a step back with one foot, bending your front knee. Push your hips forward to stretch the hip flexors. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then switch sides.

Step 9: Final Relaxation

End your session with a cool-down by taking deep breaths and performing any additional gentle stretches that feel good for your body.

General Notes

Regular Practice

Incorporate these exercises into your daily routine, ideally every few hours, to maximize the preventative benefits.


Pay attention to your body and its limits during these exercises. Do not push into pain and always practice mindfulness to avoid injury.


Stay hydrated throughout the day, especially after doing these exercises, to aid muscle recovery and overall health.