Pet Weight Management

This playbook outlines the process for assessing, managing, and preventing obesity in pets. It emphasizes the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise to maintain an appropriate weight for your pet.

Step 1: Assess Weight

Determine if your pet is overweight by consulting your veterinarian, who can compare your pet's weight to a breed-specific weight range. You can also check yourself by feeling for your pet's ribs; if they're hard to find, your pet might be overweight.

Step 2: Consult Vet

Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian to develop a weight management plan. The vet can provide insights on a suitable diet and determine if there are any underlying health concerns contributing to the weight issue.

Step 3: Diet Plan

Based on the veterinarian's suggestions, establish a diet plan. This may include:
- Limiting calorie intake
- Choosing a specially formulated weight management pet food
- Regulating and measuring meal portions
- Reducing treats or choosing low-calorie alternatives.

Step 4: Increase Exercise

Incorporate more exercise into your pet's daily routine. This can include:
- Longer or more frequent walks for dogs
- Play sessions with cats using toys that encourage movement
- For smaller pets, larger cages or safe, supervised time out of the cage

Step 5: Monitor Progress

Regularly monitor your pet’s weight and condition, adjusting the diet and exercise plan as necessary. Track the weight at home or schedule follow-up appointments with the veterinarian to ensure the plan is working effectively.

Step 6: Maintain Routine

Once your pet has reached a healthy weight, prevent future weight gain by maintaining the diet and exercise routine. Regularly reassess your pet's weight and make any needed adjustments to their diet and exercise plan.

General Notes


Weight loss in pets should be gradual. A rapid decline can be harmful to your pet’s health. Consult with your vet about the appropriate rate of weight loss for your pet.

Health Check

Always rule out any potential health problems that may be causing or contributing to your pet's weight issue before starting any weight management program.


Maintaining a consistent routine is crucial for effectively managing your pet's weight. Sudden changes in diet or activity level can lead to weight fluctuations.