Resolving Sibling Rivalry

This playbook provides a strategy for identifying, understanding, and mediating conflicts between siblings in order to foster a harmonious household environment.

Step 1: Identification

Observe the interactions between siblings to identify patterns of conflict. Take note of triggers, frequency, and the nature of the disputes.

Step 2: Understanding

Discuss with each child individually to understand their perspective. Listen actively and acknowledge their feelings without taking sides.

Step 3: Communication

Teach effective communication techniques to the siblings, like using 'I feel' statements, listening without interrupting, and expressing needs calmly.

Step 4: Mediation

Facilitate a mediation session where each child can express their viewpoint, using the communication techniques taught. Help them find common ground and to understand each other's feelings.

Step 5: Resolution

Guide the siblings towards developing their own solutions to the conflict. Encourage compromise and ensure that the agreed-upon resolutions are fair to all parties involved.

Step 6: Follow-Up

Monitor the situation and provide opportunities to revisit the resolution. Acknowledge improvements and assist in adjusting the resolution if conflicts persist.

General Notes


Maintain a neutral stance throughout the process to avoid escalating tensions.


Understand that resolving sibling rivalry is a gradual process and may require ongoing intervention.