Team Sport Nutrition Plan

This playbook outlines nutrition strategies tailored specifically for team sport athletes. It focuses on supporting high-level performance and recovery through dietary means, accounting for the repeated exertions common in team sports.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate the athlete's dietary needs based on their sport, position, and physical demands. Consider the frequency and intensity of training and matches, recovery needs, and individual nutritional deficiencies.

Step 2: Macronutrients

Design a balanced macronutrient plan. This should include appropriate proportions of carbohydrates for energy, proteins for muscle repair and recovery, and fats for additional energy and nutrient absorption.

Step 3: Hydration

Create a hydration protocol. Ensure adequate fluid intake before, during, and after games and practice sessions to maintain optimal performance and prevent dehydration.

Step 4: Meal Timing

Schedule meals and snacks. Align eating times with training and game schedules to ensure the body is fueled and ready for peak performance at the right times, including pre-game meals and post-game recovery snacks.

Step 5: Dietary Supplements

Consider the use of dietary supplements if necessary. Evaluate the appropriateness of supplementing the athlete's diet with vitamins, minerals, or other ergogenic aids to support performance and recovery.

Step 6: Adapt & Monitor

Regularly review and adapt the nutritional plan based on the athlete's response. Monitor body composition, performance metrics, and wellbeing to tailor the plan for optimal results.

General Notes


Ensure the plan is personalized for the athlete's specific needs, allergies, preferences, and goals. One size does not fit all in sports nutrition.

Professional Guidance

Consider consulting with a sports nutritionist or dietician to develop a comprehensive and safe nutrition plan.

Game Day Focus

Extra attention should be given to game days, with specific strategies for fueling up and replenishing energy stores post-game.