Sports Nutrition Timing

This playbook outlines the steps for implementing nutrient timing to enhance athletic performance. It focuses on when to consume nutrients for optimal training response and recovery.

Step 1: Understand Timing

Learn the basics of nutrient timing which includes knowing how different nutrients affect the body during various stages of training and recovery.

Step 2: Pre-Workout Meals

Plan and consume pre-workout meals to fuel the body with the necessary energy and nutrients. Focus on a balance of carbohydrates and protein approximately 2-3 hours before training.

Step 3: Intra-Workout Fuel

Determine if intra-workout supplementation is necessary based on training duration and intensity. If so, use easily digestible carbohydrates and hydration solutions during the workout.

Step 4: Post-Workout Recovery

Consume post-workout nutrients within a 30-minute to two-hour window. Focus on a combination of carbohydrates to replenish glycogen stores and protein to aid muscle repair.

Step 5: Daily Nutrient Balance

Incorporate the principles of nutrient timing into daily dietary patterns, ensuring consistency in meeting energy and nutritional needs.

Step 6: Monitor Progress

Track performance and recovery metrics to adjust nutrient timing strategies as needed. Take note of changes in strength, endurance, and overall well-being.

General Notes

Individual Variation

Nutrient timing can have individual responses; it should be tailored to each athlete's specific needs, training regime, and metabolic responses.


Proper hydration is crucial and should be included in nutrient timing protocols, with water intake before, during, and after exercise.