Pre-Competition Nutrition

This guide provides a set of steps to optimize nutrition before a sports event, aiming to enhance energy and reduce the risk of gastrointestinal issues.

Step 1: Hydration

Start hydrating the day before the event. Consume water regularly and avoid alcoholic, caffeinated, or sugary beverages that can lead to dehydration.

Step 2: Meal Timing

Eat a larger meal 3-4 hours before the competition, allowing enough time for digestion. This meal should be high in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and low in fats and fibers.

Step 3: Pre-Game Snack

Have a small, carbohydrate-rich snack 30-60 minutes before the event to maintain energy levels. Choose foods that are low in fat and fiber to minimize the risk of stomach discomfort.

Step 4: Food Choices

Opt for easily digestible foods such as banana, bread with jelly, or a small sports bar. Avoid high-fat, high-fiber, and highly processed foods that can cause gastrointestinal issues.

General Notes

Individual Tolerance

Be aware of personal food sensitivities and allergies, and consider past experiences with foods during similar events when choosing what to eat.

Hydration Check

Monitor urine color for signs of proper hydration. Aim for light yellow urine as an indication of being well-hydrated.

Practice Routine

Test your pre-competition nutrition routine during training periods rather than trying new strategies on the day of the event.