Athlete Meal Planning

This playbook provides a structured approach to creating meal plans tailored to an athlete's specific training and competition needs. It helps ensure nutritional requirements are met to support performance and recovery.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate the athlete's dietary requirements based on their age, weight, height, gender, sport, training intensity, and personal goals.

Step 2: Nutritional Goals

Set specific nutritional goals for calories, macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats), micronutrients (vitamins, minerals), and hydration.

Step 3: Training Schedule

Review the athlete's training schedule, including the timing, intensity, and duration of training sessions to align meal timings and content with workout demands.

Step 4: Competition Analysis

Analyze the competition schedule including the date, time, and location, to plan meals and snacks around pre-competition, during, and post-competition needs.

Step 5: Meal Planning

Create a daily and weekly meal plan that includes meals and snacks to meet the nutritional goals set, ensuring a variety of foods to prevent nutritional gaps.

Step 6: Preparation Scheduling

Schedule time for grocery shopping, meal preparation, and cooking, prioritizing efficient techniques like batch cooking or using a slow cooker to manage time effectively.

Step 7: Monitoring

Regularly monitor the athlete's response to the meal plan through feedback, performance metrics, and body composition, adjusting the plan as necessary for optimal results.

General Notes


Consider the athlete's need for any dietary supplements to meet nutritional gaps or specific performance goals, ensuring they are safe and legal for use in their sport.

Dietitian Collaboration

Engage with a registered dietitian or sports nutritionist for personalized guidance and to validate meal plans.

Allergies & Intolerances

Account for any known food allergies or intolerances when planning meals, offering safe alternatives to ensure nutritional needs are still met.