Managing Food Allergies

This playbook offers a step-by-step guide to adjusting your diet in order to manage and cope with food allergies and intolerances. It covers the identification of allergens, dietary changes, and maintaining a balanced diet.

Step 1: Identify Allergens

Work with a healthcare provider to determine which foods cause reactions through tests or an elimination diet.

Step 2: Educate Yourself

Learn about the foods that trigger your allergies or intolerances, including hidden sources and cross-contamination risks.

Step 3: Plan Meals

Create a meal plan that excludes allergens while ensuring a balanced intake of nutrients.

Step 4: Read Labels

Always check food labels for potential allergens and understand labeling laws in your region.

Step 5: Prepare Food

When cooking, ensure that kitchen equipment is free from allergen residues to prevent cross-contamination.

Step 6: Communicate Needs

Inform restaurant staff or hosts of your dietary restrictions to avoid accidental exposure to allergens.

Step 7: Carry Alternatives

Keep safe food alternatives and snacks on hand to avoid situations where you may not have suitable food options.

Step 8: Emergency Plan

Have an emergency action plan and carry necessary medications, such as antihistamines or epinephrine auto-injectors, in case of accidental ingestion.

General Notes

Consult Professionals

Always seek advice from qualified healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your diet.

Continual Review

Regularly review your dietary plan and consider revisiting your healthcare provider to reassess your food allergies and intolerances.