SFTP Server Setup

This playbook outlines the steps required to configure a secure SFTP server. It is designed to ensure encrypted file transfers within a network, enhancing security and data integrity.

Step 1: Prerequisites

Before beginning the setup, ensure the following requirements are met: a server with internet access, SSH installed, and root or sudo privileges.

Step 2: Install SFTP

Install the SFTP server software on the machine that will serve as the SFTP server.

Step 3: Configure SSH

Edit the SSH daemon configuration file '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' to enable an SFTP subsystem and define security and access parameters.

Step 4: Create Users

Create user accounts on the server that will be used specifically for SFTP, with restricted access to their home directories only.

Step 5: Set Permissions

Adjust the file and directory permissions to secure the data and ensure that users only have access to their respective directories.

Step 6: Restart SSH

Restart the SSH service to apply the new configuration settings.

Step 7: Verify Setup

Test the SFTP connection using an SFTP client to ensure that everything is configured correctly and that file transfers are securely facilitated.

General Notes

SSH Keys

For additional security, consider setting up SSH key-based authentication for the users instead of password-based authentication.


Make sure to configure the server's firewall to allow SFTP connections, typically over port 22.


Regularly backup the server and SFTP user data to prevent loss in the event of a failure or breach.