Network Documentation Creation

This process outlines the steps necessary to document network infrastructure, including configurations and change management, which serves to keep accurate records for maintenance and troubleshooting.

Step 1: Inventory

Create a comprehensive inventory list of all network hardware and software. Include items such as routers, switches, firewalls, access points, and management systems.

Step 2: Topography

Map out the network topology. Use diagramming software to visualize the network, showing how devices are interconnected including network segments, and connection points.

Step 3: Configuration

Document current configurations of network devices. This should include IP addresses, routing protocols, VLAN configurations, and security settings.

Step 4: Change Log

Establish a change management log. Record all changes made to the network, by whom, and why. Detail the change's impact and any necessary rollback steps.

Step 5: Policies

Detail network policies, including security policies, access control lists (ACLs), and user policies. Clarify responsibilities and procedures for policy enforcement.

Step 6: Update Routine

Develop a regular schedule to update the documentation. Determine how often each kind of information requires reviewing and who is responsible for updates.

Step 7: Backup

Implement a system for backing up the documentation. Ensure that backup copies are stored securely and are readily accessible when needed.

General Notes

Version Control

Consider using version control to keep track of changes in network documentation, allowing you to revert to previous versions if necessary.

Tool Selection

Choose documentation tools carefully, ensuring that they meet the organization's needs and allow for collaborative updates and sharing.


Keep the documentation secure to prevent unauthorized access. Use encryption, passwords, and control the distribution of sensitive information.