Network Disaster Recovery Planning

This playbook describes the steps required to develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan aimed at sustaining network operations during and after unforeseen disasters.

Step 1: Risk Assessment

Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential threats to the network, their likelihood, and the potential impact of each.

Step 2: Business Impact

Perform a business impact analysis to determine how network outages may affect different parts of the organization.

Step 3: Recovery Objectives

Define Recovery Time Objectives (RTO) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO) for all network services to establish the acceptable downtime and data loss for each.

Step 4: Backup Strategies

Develop backup strategies for network configuration, data, and system state information, ensuring backups are stored securely and off-site.

Step 5: Alternative Solutions

Identify alternative networking solutions, such as redundant connections, cloud services, or alternate sites, to maintain operations during an outage.

Step 6: Plan Development

Draft the disaster recovery plan, including procedures for notification, escalation, and recovery, ensuring responsibility is clearly assigned.

Step 7: Testing & Training

Regularly test the disaster recovery procedures to ensure effectiveness and train staff on their roles within the plan.

Step 8: Plan Maintenance

Periodically review and update the disaster recovery plan to incorporate changes in the network environment, business processes, and technological advancements.

General Notes

Plan Documentation

Maintain comprehensive documentation for the disaster recovery plan, including contact lists, vendor information, and network diagrams.


Ensure the disaster recovery plan meets any governing regulatory or industry-specific compliance requirements.