Wildfire Evacuation Playbook

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide for safely evacuating in the event of a wildfire. It details the measures that individuals should take to prepare for an evacuation and how to execute it effectively.

Step 1: Stay Informed

Regularly monitor local news and weather reports for wildfire threats. Sign up for community alerts and download any recommended emergency notification apps for real-time updates.

Step 2: Emergency Kit

Prepare an emergency evacuation kit in advance. Include essential items such as non-perishable food, water, prescribed medications, clothing, important documents, and personal items.

Step 3: Evacuation Plan

Create a family evacuation plan. Identify several escape routes from your area, establish a meeting point, and make arrangements for pets. Practice this plan with all household members.

Step 4: Secure Home

If time allows, take steps to secure your home before leaving. Close all windows and doors, remove flammable window shades, and shut off gas and propane suppliers to minimize fire damage.

Step 5: Evacuate Early

Do not wait for an official evacuation order if you feel threatened. Leave early to avoid traffic, road closures, and extreme conditions. Follow the evacuation routes identified in your plan.

Step 6: Check-In

Once you have safely evacuated, check in with family members and emergency contacts to confirm your safety. Use social media, texting, or local disaster check-in services if available.

General Notes

Local Authorities

Always follow instructions given by local emergency management authorities and first responders during evacuation advisories and orders.

Accessibility Needs

Account for any individuals with accessibility needs in your evacuation plan, ensuring they have the necessary support and supplies for a safe evacuation.

Pets and Livestock

Prepare for the evacuation of pets and livestock by having carriers, food, and water ready. Understand that not all emergency shelters accept animals, so plan accordingly.