Motorcycle Oil Change

A guide providing a step-by-step process on changing the oil and oil filter in motorcycles. The procedure helps maintain engine health and performance.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary tools such as a wrench set, oil pan, funnel, and new oil filter. Purchase the correct type and amount of oil for your specific motorcycle model.

Step 2: Engine Warming

Start the motorcycle and let it run for a few minutes. Warming the engine helps the oil to drain out more easily.

Step 3: Drain Oil

Turn off the engine, locate the oil drain plug, place an oil pan underneath, and carefully remove the plug. Allow the old oil to completely drain out.

Step 4: Replace Filter

Remove the old oil filter using a filter wrench. Apply a thin coat of new oil to the gasket of the new filter and install it but do not over-tighten.

Step 5: Add Oil

Replace the drain plug. Using a funnel, refill the engine with new oil to the level specified in the motorcycle's manual. Do not overfill.

Step 6: Check Levels

Start the engine and let it run for a minute. Turn it off and check the oil level. Add more if necessary, making sure not to exceed the maximum fill line.

Step 7: Clean Up

Clean any spilled oil and dispose of the old oil and filter properly in accordance with local regulations.

General Notes

Oil Type

Ensure you are using the motorcycle manufacturer's recommended oil type and grade.


Used motor oil must be disposed of at a designated recycling center or auto service station.

Tool Care

Clean and store your tools properly after use to keep them in good condition.