Maximizing Android Battery Life

This playbook provides practical steps and settings adjustments aimed at extending the battery life on Android smartphones. It walks the user through various procedures to optimize power usage.

Step 1: Brightness

Reduce your screen brightness by accessing the 'Settings' menu, selecting 'Display', and then adjusting the brightness slider to a lower setting or enabling 'Adaptive brightness'.

Step 2: Timeout

Set a shorter screen timeout interval by going to 'Settings', then 'Display', and selecting 'Screen timeout' to choose a shorter duration before the screen turns off automatically.

Step 3: Unused Apps

Regularly close unused apps running in the background. Double-tap the 'Recent apps' button and swipe away apps that are not being actively used.

Step 4: Power Saving

Enable the built-in power saving mode by going to 'Settings', selecting 'Battery', and then tapping on 'Power saving mode' to activate this feature.

Step 5: Battery Usage

Monitor and manage battery usage for individual apps by opening 'Settings', choosing 'Battery', and examining the 'Battery usage' list for power-hungry apps. Restrict background activity for these apps where possible.

Step 6: Notifications

Limit unnecessary notifications to save energy. Access 'Settings', tap on 'Notifications', and then select which apps can send notifications.

Step 7: Location

Minimize the use of location services by navigating to 'Settings', choosing 'Location', and turning off the location or setting it to 'Battery saving' mode when high precision is not needed.

Step 8: Vibration

Turn off unnecessary vibrations like haptic feedback for touch interactions. Access 'Settings', select 'Sound', and then disable features like 'Vibrate on tap'.

Step 9: Update Apps

Keep your apps updated to ensure they are running the most power-efficient versions. Use the Google Play Store to update your apps.

Step 10: Sync

Reduce the frequency of account synchronization manually. Go to 'Settings', tap 'Accounts', choose your account, and adjust the sync settings for different items.

General Notes

Charging Habits

Maintain healthy battery life by charging your Android device before it drops below 20% and unplugging it once it reaches around 80-90%. Avoid leaving it charging overnight.


Extreme temperatures can negatively affect your battery life. Try not to expose your smartphone to temperatures too high or too low.