iOS Storage Management

This playbook describes sequential steps to manage installed apps and storage on an iOS device efficiently. It aims to optimize the device's performance by freeing up space and organizing content.

Step 1: Check Usage

Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage to get an overview of the storage used by different apps and files.

Step 2: Delete Unused Apps

Review the list of installed apps. For any apps you no longer use or need, swipe left on the app name and tap Delete App to remove it.

Step 3: Offload Unused Apps

For apps you use infrequently, consider using the Offload Unused Apps feature found in Settings > iTunes & App Store. This will remove the app but keep its documents and data should you choose to reinstall it later.

Step 4: Clear Cache

For apps that accumulate cache (such as browsers or streaming services), clear the cache from within the app's settings if the option is available.

Step 5: Manage Media

Review your photos, videos, and music. Delete any unnecessary media files, or transfer them to iCloud or another storage solution.

Step 6: Delete Messages

Remove old message conversations, especially those with attachments, to free up space. Go to Settings > Messages and set Message History to Keep Messages for 30 days or 1 year to automatically delete older messages.

Step 7: Review Documents

Check Files app for any stored documents that are no longer needed. Select and delete them to free up space.

Step 8: Remove Downloads

Go to the app where you download media or files and delete downloads that are no longer needed.

Step 9: Review Email Attachments

Go through your email app and delete or save email attachments externally to reduce the storage footprint of your email application.

Step 10: Limit Photos Backup

If you use iCloud for backups, go to Settings > Photos and select Optimize iPhone Storage to minimize the space taken up by your photo library.

General Notes

Backup Data

Before deleting any apps or media, ensure all your important data is backed up to iCloud or your computer.

Regular Audits

Regularly review your storage to keep your iOS device running smoothly; monthly check-ups can prevent storage clutter.

Software Update

Ensure your iOS is updated to the latest version, as updates often include improved storage management features.