Mindful Technology Use

This playbook addresses the challenges of maintaining mindfulness in the digital age. It provides a sequence of steps to help individuals use technology mindfully and maintain a balance between being connected and staying present.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Honestly assess your current relationship with technology. Identify situations where technology use interrupts your daily life or diminishes your mindfulness.

Step 2: Set Goals

Set clear, achievable goals for integrating mindfulness into your tech use. This might mean specifying times for checking emails or social media, or committing to certain tech-free activities or periods.

Step 3: Tech Breaks

Regularly schedule short breaks from technology throughout the day to disconnect and refocus on your surroundings and current tasks.

Step 4: Notification Management

Adjust your device settings to limit non-essential notifications. This helps to reduce distractions and encourages you to check tech on your terms.

Step 5: Mindful Apps

Explore apps designed to promote mindfulness and meditation. Use them to create daily routines that encourage presence and awareness.

Step 6: Digital Detox

Occasionally commit to a digital detox by setting aside time away from all electronic devices. Use this time to engage in activities that foster mindfulness, like reading, meditating, or spending time in nature.

Step 7: Reflect

Regularly reflect on your tech use and the effectiveness of your strategies. Make adjustments as necessary to improve mindfulness.

General Notes


Remember that technology is a tool that should be used to enhance your life, not detract from it. Aim for a balanced approach rather than outright elimination of digital devices.

Mindfulness Practices

Apart from technology, engage in regular mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga, or deep-breathing exercises to improve overall mindfulness.