Meditation Focus Strategies

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide to dealing with distractions during meditation. It outlines techniques to refocus attention and maintain mindfulness throughout the practice.

Step 1: Preparation

Choose a quiet environment free from unnecessary distractions. Set a comfortable temperature, dim the lights, and sit in a comfortable posture.

Step 2: Routine

Establish a consistent meditation schedule. Practice regularly at the same time each day to cultivate a habitual meditation routine.

Step 3: Attention

Begin your meditation by focusing on your breath or a chosen object of meditation. Allow your attention to rest gently on the point of focus.

Step 4: Awareness

When you notice a distraction, such as a sound or thought, acknowledge it without judgment and gently bring your attention back to your point of focus.

Step 5: Returning Focus

Use a mental note, like 'thinking' or 'hearing', to label the distraction. Then, calmly redirect your attention to your breath or meditation object.

Step 6: Mindfulness

Maintain a state of open awareness, being conscious of the present moment. If your mind wanders, recognize this as a natural occurrence and return to your focus.

Step 7: Patience

Do not become frustrated with distractions. Treat them as opportunities to strengthen your focus. Practice patience and compassion with yourself.

Step 8: Progression

Gradually extend the duration of your meditation sessions as your ability to maintain focus improves. Start with short sessions and increase them over time.

General Notes


If you cannot find a quiet place, consider using earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones to minimize auditory distractions.


Ensure your meditation posture is stable and comfortable to prevent physical distractions. Adjust your position as needed before you begin.


Consider using guided meditations or meditation apps for additional structure and support when dealing with distractions.