Weekly Meal Planning

This playbook outlines the steps to create a structured weekly meal plan that caters to personal dietary preferences and ensures nutritional balance. It guides through the process of meal selection, grocery shopping, and preparation scheduling.

Step 1: Preferences

Identify dietary preferences and restrictions. Include consideration for calories, nutrition, allergies, and any specific dietary guidelines such as vegetarian, low-carb, or dairy-free.

Step 2: Assessment

Assess your weekly schedule to identify how many meals you need to prepare and when you will have time for cooking and eating.

Step 3: Recipe Selection

Choose recipes for each meal based on your dietary preferences and schedule. Aim for a variety of foods to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.

Step 4: Grocery List

Compile a grocery list from the selected recipes, organizing it by food category for efficient shopping.

Step 5: Shopping

Go grocery shopping with the organized list, purchasing all ingredients needed for the week's meals.

Step 6: Preparation Plan

Develop a meal preparation timetable, designating specific times for prep and cooking, aligning with your weekly schedule.

Step 7: Cooking

Prepare meals according to your timetable. Opt for batch cooking or prepare-ahead methods to save time during busy days.

Step 8: Storage

Properly store meals or meal components. Use refrigeration for short-term storage and freezing for meals that won't be consumed within a few days.

Step 9: Execution

Follow your meal plan throughout the week, adjusting as necessary for any unforeseen changes in schedule or preferences.

General Notes


Be prepared to make adjustments to your meal plan for special occasions or when unexpected events modify your schedule.

Nutritional Balance

Ensure that each meal has a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, along with necessary vitamins and minerals.

Portion Control

Consider portion sizes when planning to prevent food waste and maintain a balanced diet.


Opt for seasonal produce to enhance flavor and nutrition while often reducing cost.