Compliance Record-Keeping

This playbook outlines the necessary steps for implementing best practices in record-keeping to ensure compliance with regulations and improve corporate governance.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Evaluate the specific record-keeping requirements applicable to your industry and organization, including legal mandates, regulatory bodies' expectations, and internal governance policies.

Step 2: Develop Policy

Create a comprehensive record-keeping policy that outlines the categorization, retention period, security measures, and disposal protocols for different types of records.

Step 3: Implement System

Choose an appropriate record-keeping system that is scalable, secure, and supports the categorization and retrieval of documents to meet the established policy requirements.

Step 4: Train Staff

Provide training to all relevant employees on the new record-keeping policy and systems to ensure company-wide understanding and compliance.

Step 5: Conduct Audits

Regularly audit your record-keeping practices and systems to verify compliance with the policy, and make adjustments as necessary to address any deficiencies.

Step 6: Maintain Security

Regularly review and update security protocols to safeguard sensitive records against unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential cyber threats.

Step 7: Review Compliance

Periodically re-evaluate the record-keeping policy and practices to ensure they remain in compliance with evolving regulations and corporate governance standards.

General Notes

Policy Accessibility

Ensure that the record-keeping policy is easily accessible to all employees and stakeholders to promote transparency and facilitate day-to-day adherence.

Legal Consultation

Involve legal advisors in the development and periodic review of the record-keeping policy to ensure legal accuracy and up-to-date compliance.